Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to scream and/or curl up into a little ball in the corner because nothing seems to be going well? You're not alone. I had a really good conversation with a new friend today. My dad actually had to come inside because I was talking so much, which like almost never happens for me. All of that was well and good and I was in a really good mood after I got home because I had felt some improvements with my anxiety and felt like I was getting some headway on the issue. Then I took a nap and woke up to find out that my bank account was in the negative. Let me tell you, that was no a fun thing to wake up to. So now I'm like totally freaking out about Toronto, and have a bunch more phone calls added to the list of things I need to do. Blah. Cue anxiety and panic attacks. And now my stupid phone charger isn't working right because I pulled it out the wall one too many times, and this is the back up charger. I know it's my fault, but still, sheesh. Sometimes I really hate being on Social Security. How do they seriously expect people to live decent lives on such little income? I am thankful every day that I was able to move in with my parents and save myself tons of money because there's no way I could afford rent or food or utilities or anything else that's necessary to function. Blah. Excuse my ranting, I'm just frustrated!

Anywho, I've been watching and thinking about "The Secret" a lot, and I've been trying to keep a positive attitude about life and things that stress me out. So, with that in mind, I printed out phrases like "I'm driving to Toronto!" and "I have hand controls!", cut them out with pretty scissors, and plastered them on some pretty construction paper in hopes that I can somehow will myself to fulfill these wishes. Positivity attracts positivity right? Right. Now it's just getting rid of the negativity that is a struggle when things don't seem to be going well that really gets me. Blah. I really hope this isn't coming off as whining because I'm not trying to get pity. I'm just venting and hopefully someone out there can relate and know they're not alone.

On a more positive note- my dog is sitting underneath my chair at this very moment. He is seriously the sweetest thing (most of the time). I love when he comes up and lays down right up against me or puts his paw on my leg as in saying"Don't move human, I want to be close to you." *melts*. When nothing else seems like it's going well, at least I have my dog. And music. Music and my cuddly dog always help me to feel better. Speaking of my dog, I think I'll share some pictures of him. He's just oh so adorable!

I'm pretty sure he's a monkey at heart.

"What do you mean this is your bed? Why should I move?"

Showin' my momma some love.

o_0 I did not let him up on the table...

He just loves the snow. A lot. 

Feel free to leave a comment so I can tell that somebody's reading this! =] Dueces!

<3 Poison

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