I made sure to document how far I had gotten in books before midnight last night because, you know, I'm a little OCD like that. =P I somehow miraculously got to bed shortly after doing that, so I haven't read anything yet today. Here's where I'm at so far and some of my goals for the day:
Currently Reading:
1. Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger - page 78/198
2. Cress by Marissas Meyer - 219/550
My goals for the day:
1. Finish Nine Stories
2. Get to page 300 in Cress
3. Write an update blog before midnight tonight
I've also got two books ready to be picked up at the library, but I'm going to try to force myself not to read those until I finish these first two books. I've been reading Cress for a while now (about a week… don't judge, that's a long time considering I got through the first two books in max two days each… o_O)
Books at the library:
1. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
2. I Heard That Song Before by Mary Higgins Clark
I've also made a goal for myself to read everything John Green before June 6th when The Fault in Our Stars comes into theaters. I seriously can't wait!!
Happy reading!
<3 Poison
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